After sharing the article from the London Economic about possible votes of no confidence in Mr Sunak, this is what I find on ConHome this morning:

“There comes a point in the electoral cycle when voters have simply had enough – and their cry is “kindly leave the stage”. Every bit of good news, such as the sensational upgrading of Britain’s post-Covid growth figures, is met by quibbles and qualifications that, for some reason, never greeted the bad.”

These guys are spinning so hard I want to make a joke about harnessing that motion for electricity generation.

    10 months ago

    The conditions for a Labour government are set. Hopefully the Tories retreat to a much smaller party for a few governments and moderate more centrist conservatives find a home in a modern centrist Labour under Keir rather than what was feared back in 2014 a loss of members to UKIP.

    As much as there is bleating from Tory nutters about the centre of their party I’m convinced there’s also massive frustration from the centre that they share a party with them lot.

    Being on the fringe (Left or Right) is not good. Let’s hope Keir understands and harnesses this.