Saw Stasa Gejo’s IG post. It’s a long post. At first she’s just lamenting her poor performance and it’s partially due to schedule. Back to back comps can’t feel great. But later on she also says she felt uncomfortable and how unwelcoming the venue is.

In the comments it seems Natalia Grossman and Oceana Mackenzie (among others) agree, although not sure on which points. I don’t know what to say about the venue issue, but it’s unfortunate that the competitors seem to not get what they need.

I do think it’s strange how packed the schedule is right now. And I’m a somewhat new fan to comp climbing so I don’t know why that is. Is it for Olympics qualy or the world champs? Or just something else? There’s a comment saying “politics always wins” so I’m not sure if there are other issues IFSC is trying to push with these comps.