ngl russia is not making it easy to give critical support lol

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    Did any of you actualy read the stupid article?

    A video shared by ultra-conservative bloggers showed an unidentified man threatening to turn the pair into the police for wearing a Ukrainian flag pin and rainbow earrings.

    Yeah, I’ll just casually wear western values AND a flag pin of our current mortal enemies in time of war and expect nothing will happen?

    Did nobody actually watch the video? Is it because its telegram or what lol? The person is actually literaly wearing a Ukrainian flag pin. Whether or not she had any LGBTQ symbol or not is not the only point, heck I’m pretty sure nothing would have happened without this galaxy brain decision to wear an Ukrainian flag.

    But it gets worse

    “Also, during the process, the earrings themselves were examined, and it was found that they have the shape of a frog with an image of a 7-color rainbow,” Egida quoted an unnamed defense attorney as saying.

    And then you call Russia right wing? Going to 4chan and posting a rainbow flag doesn’t make that place any less of a neonazi shithole. Why a frog specificaly? Is that not an obvious dog whistle or what?

    Don’t misunderstand me, it absolutely sucks that Russia is a socialy conservative shithole. I can give you the benefit of doubt and say you’re just some random Ukrainian expats completely clueless that happen to be LGBTQ but you have to damn well pick your battles, you’re in Russia not New York, you don’t get to wear an Ukrainian flag in time of war, period. This would be true literaly anywhere else in the world too or do you think you get to wear a German flag in Moscow 1943 just because you’re an expat?

    I am confident this would not have happened without that incredibly bright decision and this is a stupid struggle session almost embarrassing, and you say Americans lack critical reading ability.

    Also The Moscow Times despite claiming to be Russian is online published from the Netherlands. Yeah that is about as legitimate as Putin launching a Russian version of NYT lol.