“The enemies are mobilizing according to a well-laid schedule intended to target our Islamic Ummah,” Yemeni Ansar Allah movement leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Saturday. In a statement on the anniversary of the “Shout Against the Oppressors” yearly event, Sayyed al-Houthi said that the Western conspiracy, disguised as “fighting terrorism”, sought to occupy Muslim nations and control their people. “A few of our nations’ sons are trying to present our enemies as friends to ally ourselves with. A few of our nations’ sons, governments, and regimes, are asking for the United States’ protection, and in turn, they offer everything to it,” he explained.

He underlined that the fear of the US has become a state that is controlling some of the leaders, officials, and elites, and has spilled to affect the masses. He noted that in certain Arab countries, pro-Palestine protests have been met with oppression. Al-Houthi ascertained that “the enemy wants to shackle these nations to prevent them from taking a stand, and the governments’ stances cripple the masses.” He further affirmed that the active attack of regimes against their people who champion the Palestinian cause shows the reality of the kind of relation tying these regimes to the US and its nonchalance regarding the Ummah’s issues.

On Yemeni solidarity, Sayyed al-Houthi noted that a plot existed to subdue the Yemeni people, lock them in a state of surrender, and keep the stage open for the Americans. On Friday, Al-Houthi stressed that the responsibility for taking additional practical steps against the occupation lies with the Arab and Islamic countries and that they should not be sidelined. He explained that these countries have political, diplomatic, and economic options regarding the aggression on Rafah. “If the Arab regimes do not dare to adopt any position, let their peoples take action.”

He underlined that the Islamic and Arab worlds needed to be at such a level of deterrence that they are able to defend themselves from danger, stressing that only the undertaking of serious steps could benefit them as the Israeli occupation does not care about the calls of the international community to stop its aggression and it does not care about the magnitude of the crimes it is committing. The Islamic and Arab worlds need to move consciously and break free from the state of inertia that has affected many of their peoples, the Yemeni leader stressed.