AlicePraxis [any]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t judge cultural trends by what’s happening on X dot com, the cool people have either left or are spending significantly less time on the website formerly known as twitter, now that it’s a project of the far-right. remember that people who donate to Musk literally get boosted by the algorithm

    if people are saying it more in real life, especially young people, then that’s a problem. I don’t know if that’s the case or not because I don’t spend any time around teenagers

  • well, I think it’s important to recognize that people are products of their environment, and we’ve all been indoctrinated into this media-obsessed culture from a very young age by predatory capitalists and marketing ghouls

    the social fabric of the west is practically non-existent. we’re dealing with pretty extreme social atomization and lack of community, there are fewer and fewer IRL opportunities to have fun or socialize, and what little there is has become prohibitively expensive to the average person. this was all true before COVID, which made all these problems significantly worse

    so taking this all into account it’s not hard to understand why so many spend the majority of their free time consuming media as an escape from the cruel, unjust banality of contemporary western society. so maybe cut 'em some slack, idk

    unless they watch reality TV. there’s no excuse for that

  • thanks for taking the time to read my story and respond, appreciate the solidarity

    I have some dreams but they feel largely incompatible with the world around me, like working in archviz for a free/public housing project (America lol). I’ve considered going into archviz anyway since I have CG skills, it just bums me out that most buildings are being built for the rich. and it would still be a computer job lmao, but at least it genuinely interests me

    good on you for joining the Palestine protests, I’ve never protested but getting involved in activism is a great idea and might put me in touch with more cool and like-minded people as well

    the isolation is absolutely demotivating and getting out of that mode is my main concern now

  • you’re right and I shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss programming as a profession based on big tech companies or startup culture, when there are a lot of different types of coding jobs out there. that said I don’t feel that a programming career is the right path for me. to fully explain why will require a lot of context about my history with computers so I don’t expect you or anyone to read all this shit lol but I feel like writing it down

    another fuckin essay about my life 🤡

    I got my bachelor’s in computer science 9 years ago from a school which did not have a very good CS department. while I did well in school and took to coding fairly easily I didn’t graduate with a lot of confidence in my programming abilities. of course I could have amended this with self-study and practicing interview questions etc. but my heart wasn’t in coding unless it was for something I cared about

    so I decided to focus on VR software development, which was brand new tech at the time and something I was very passionate and optimistic about at the time. I was more interested in the non-gaming side of VR, like social and productivity apps etc. I learned Unity and worked on some personal VR projects that I never finished.

    the Facebook buyout of Oculus was a major blow to my interest in VR. seeing this huge tech company that I despised now driving the future of VR with a walled-garden approach was disheartening and demoralizing. FB was even pushing the social and productivity aspects of VR that I was interested in, and it was extremely cringe.

    in retrospect my interest in VR was incredibly naive and misguided. it was fueled by my social alienation and wanting an escape from reality - I’ve always felt fundamentally at odds with American capitalist society. now seeing these massive corporations trying to push escapist technology while material reality continues to worsen under capitalism makes me extremely uneasy.

    in fact the reason why I chose to study CS in the first place, at the tender age of 17, was because I already spent so much time on the computer as a teen, so I might as well do something with it, right? but this was naive too - my addiction to computers was unhealthy, it was an escape. and it took me a decade to reckon with this fact

    the irony of course is that I’m still addicted to screens, I’m still escaping reality, and I don’t even have a career to show for it… oops! it’s hard to change a lifelong habit, and without a job or money it’s even harder to break the addiction as I can barely afford to leave the house

    tl;dr I don’t want a job where I’m on the computer all the time, because I’ve now spent most of my life staring at a computer, and that’s precisely what I need to get away from, for my own wellbeing

  • thanks for taking the time to write all this out, I very much appreciate you for caring and it’s all good advice

    community college is something I definitely plan to do - specifically IRL classes because I need to regularly be around people who are not my immediate family members. I love learning but most of the learning I’ve done in the past decade has been solitary. this might be a good next step because I genuinely want to do it

    I actually was lifting weights for a while until late last year when I stopped because of a stupid health problem which is still kinda recurring but I think I can get back to it, might have to start slow and focus mostly on form and proper breathing techniques. cardio for sure, my weight is good but my stamina is shit and I could use those endorphins

    therapy - that’s the most difficult truth here but you’re right

  • It’s difficult to find motivation to get a job when you’re already not finding much satisfaction in life

    totally, I often get into the negative-thought cycle of “well what’s the point in trying, I’ll still be miserable with a job, just a different kind of miserable” which is probably true but like, something’s gotta change and the way I’m living now is just not sustainable. I know where this lifestyle leads and it’s not good or healthy

    Also, how did you manage to be life avoidant and not like videogames? Impressive

    lmao well, I used to play video games. though I always disliked most game genres there were a few specific games I would sink a lot of time into, probably too much time… and that’s a big part of why I’ve become gaming-averse. also seeing how gamers act really turned me off to the whole thing. now it just doesn’t appeal to me at all, although lately I just waste time on other unhealthy activities tbh

  • I do very much hate the idea of giving money to a landlord, I guess one good thing about my situation is that no landleeches have ever leeched off me

    but yeah I still just don’t want to have people over at my parents house. it’s not a big house and they’re home all the time, so is my brother. this place was built in the 50s and it was built cheap, these walls are thin. I like to stay up late and listen to music and watch movies with surround sound and none of that would really fly I’m afraid

    edit: this is kinda a moot point cause I don’t have any friends here at the moment anyway, although I do have hope that will change

  • now let me make something clear, I do not watch anime. not all socially avoidant outcasts are weebs, alright! but yeah jobs where you can watch stuff on your phone or listen to music/podcasts are chill. my warehouse job had banned headphones due to “safety concerns” but I sometimes did it anyway because fuck the police.

    eventually I got to a position where my job was to pick up after robots and I had long shifts of just chilling on my phone or work computer. that was nice and cushy but then they kinda took the position away from me and that’s why I quit lol

  • It’s a fair point, my parents are not awful or abusive so I’m lucky there. they’re kinda dull boomer libs who watch CNN and Shark Tank so they’re not exactly epic either but it could be a lot worse

    but truly I would like to live apart from them and have my own place for a number of reasons, especially social ones. I’m lucky to live here for free but I don’t want to invite anyone over, and I mostly live in my bedroom.

    they also at one point had planned to move to a fucking exurburan white enclave in the desert where my chud family lives, and I would have been forced to move with them. luckily that never happened because moving there would be the death of me. while I wouldn’t mind getting to see my 4yo cousin grow up, her dad would probably shoot me in the face if I tried to turn her into a commie