• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The return of capitalism? Lmao. There was no danger of ‘returning’ to something they never left. Read literally anything written by Lenin on the NEP. Stalin was literally the revisionist and needed to get rid of all the people who were still loyal to the international revolution or refused to kiss his ass and toe his line. Most of the people given show trials and purged were heroes from the civil war, Lenin’s old friends and principled internationalist communists who didn’t buy Stalin’s BS theories- hundreds of them didn’t suddenly turn traitor. Stop getting all your info from Hexbear, Lemmygrad and other meme cesspits and go actually read Marx and Lenin.

  • What if the state of the French police is but a reflection of the profound malaise engulfing the rule of law in the country as a whole?

    What if it’s the opposite? The “rule of law” is nothing but the collective will of the ruling class and the police is the enforcement organ of that class, so it makes no sense to say that increased utilization of police is a “malaise” of the “rule of law”. Actually, it sounds like it’s working as intended. The real reason- the bourgeoisie response to the intensification of class struggle- is totally absent from the article. Instead it focuses on some mystical “abandonment” of “liberal values” as if “right wing” ideas suddenly achieved a will of their own and “infected” the police departments and functionaries of the state. Someone reading this must come away more confused than they were before they read it.

  • He didn’t create it, he created the principles for it, expanding on Marx.

    He did not add to Marx, he only applied Marx to the specific conditions of 20th century Russia. The challenge remains for you to show that Lenin updated Marx or believed that he was.

    …This is necessary to pave the way for the solution of the economic problem, i. e., that of the economic transition to socialist principles

    Do you understand the context of what you posted? Apparently not. He’s alluding to the ongoing international struggles. He knows that socialism will be impossible in Russia without those victories.

    Our backwardness has put us in the forefront, and we shall perish unless we are capable of holding out until we receive powerful support from workers who have risen in revolt in other countries."

    Source: “Letters on Tactics,” 1917

    “We are far from having completed even the transitional period from capitalism to socialism. We have never cherished the hope that we could finish it without the aid of the international proletariat. We never had any illusions on that score, and we know how difficult is the road that leads from capitalism to socialism.”

    Source: “The Tax in Kind,” 1921

    “We always staked our play upon an international revolution and this was unconditionally right… We counted upon a revolution of the world proletariat and were of the opinion that Europe after the war would rise so rapidly that either the spark of our revolution would kindle it, or that it would kindle our damp squib.”

    Source: Speech at the 4th Congress of the Comintern

    These statements stand in stark contrast to the policy of “Socialism in one Country” of Marxism-Leninism. ML has nothing to do with Marx or Lenin.

    It is an insult to the socialist system to say that an “opportunistic and traitorous” Stalin would be able to become a “dictator” within it.

    Not even Lenin thought they had reached socialism yet. Even the quote you posted said as much, so I can only assume you can’t read.

  • Your questions betray a terrible confusion. There was never a DotP “established” by Marxism-Leninism. There was no such thing as “Marxism-Leninism” when the Bolsheviks siezed power from the provisional government in October. By the time “Marxism-Leninism” was created by Stalin, there was no longer a DotP in Russia as the world revolution had degenerated and capitulated to class collaborationist opportunism. “Marxism-Leninism” is the result of and the excuse for that opportunism and from its inception took the role of the ideology of the nationalist foreign policy of the capitalist Soviet State divorced from the historical communist programme.

    Why do you think Stalin need to jail, kill, or exile all the old guard?