• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • IMO, there are some ethical concerns but I don’t have a reply that I think I’ve spent enough time time thinking about.

    In terms of legality, I’m pretty sure there are lots of issues but I’m not sure of the specific terminologies.

    Personally, I think it is going to be really hard to tell one way or the other without some lengthy investigation but as long as the team is being open with using AI for inspiration rather than complete end products, I’m more likely to believe them since there would be legal concerns otherwise.

  • Kotlin Multiplatform is just a system that allows code to be shared between target platforms.

    JVM is a target platform, meaning that once your application is compiled, it can run in a JVM.

    Kotlin/Native is another target platform, meaning that once the application is compiled, it runs natively rather than through something like a VM.

    Kotlin Multiplatform is not a target platform, it just makes code sharing easier.

  • I got all four removed at the same time, my dentist put me on anti-inflammatory medication for a couple of days before the procedure and gave me a steroid to take the morning before the procedure.

    I was maybe 20 years old or something like that, roots were so messed up he asked if he could keep the teeth and show his colleagues how messed up they are.

    It doesn’t take long, there is no pain but it feels really uncomfortable, normally he would have just given me more anti-inflammatory medication but after seeing the roots, he gave me a small supply of Vicodin to get through the first few days.

    Afterwards, my mouth was pretty sore and I pretty much only had broth for a week.

    Popsicles are great, keeping your mouth cold will help with inflammation, and you might want to try to sleep on your back, rolling over and hitting a cheek won’t be fun.

  • I spoke to my marriage counselor about symptoms similar to ADHD which had been affecting the marriage.

    I was diagnosed as a child when things like ADHD and personality disorders were being handed out like candy.

    So I bing this up with my PCP and he gave me a referral (I didn’t need a referral but I have other conditions which could appear as ADHD so I want to be careful) for a psychological evaluation to see if I have ADHD.

    At least in America, healthcare professionals are suspicious when an adult wants to get ADHD testing, it’s nearly impossible to diagnose an adult with ADHD unless they received a diagnosis as a child (this is when you’d get the diagnosis in most cases anyway).

  • My wife was taking it for a while and it impacted her life in a negative manner.

    She felt more anxious, restless, and depressed.

    This was confusing for her and since reuptake inhibitors are new to her, she didn’t put the two together.

    I recommended to her that she should bring these symptoms up to her physician and explain that the severity is likely a result of her taking this medication, specifically because it had already been several weeks into the prescription.

    She came back and said her physician said that not every medication for specific mental issues work for every person’s situation and that a different medication may be better; I was expecting this but I don’t have any formal medical background so I’m glad something I’ve learned was of use.

    I’m sorry that this isn’t a positive experience like you were hoping for and I’m sure you’ve spoken to your physician at great length but just for the odd chance that you haven’t brought these feelings up with them, please do.

    Edit: I should also note that my wife and I suspect she may have ASD to some degree as well but it has not been diagnosed.

  • This seems wasteful since I’d want to just include a summary in my posts, maybe if admins/moderators used bots to make regularly occurring posts or something but even then, most of the time the post content is written by a human.

    With that in mind, people who wish to create bots can label their accounts as bots and identify themselves through the user agent when not using an account at all.

    The bots don’t necessarily have to post/comment, getting rid of all bots doesn’t exactly seem productive.

  • I’ve always preferred CSS preprocessing with tools like SASS over frameworks like Tailwind.

    They work extremely well with JS frameworks like React since they’re both pretty much just syntactic upgrades of existing systems rather than an obfuscation of systems that abuse modularity.

    That being said, CSS frameworks are still wonderful, used right they can save a lot of time during early development by outsourcing the majority of design to the framework devs.

  • He was forced to follow through with the sale, the law is what protected Twitter’s board of executives and shareholders from Musk not taking Twitter private.

    After the business is private, the owner has no contractual obligation to take actions that benefit the company (unlike a CEO), he probably could have just shut Twitter down right after he bought it if he wanted to.

    Idk how many Twitter employees held shares and how many shares they held but the shares were their legal protection against Musk taking Twitter private and running it into the ground.

    I agree that we need changes that favor employee protections but it’s a slippery slope as to who exactly is liable. Is it Musk? Twitter’s BoD/shareholders? What exactly are they liable for? [Quick edit] Also, what would the penalties be and who would be the claimants?

    Not so quick edit: I was thinking about something related to unrealized gains if someone was promised that the sale of Twitter would net them greater profits than keeping the company public but that really only applies if the asset(s) haven’t already been sold. Hoping someone can add something more specific and credible, interesting to think about.