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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • I mean on the other hand, I know plenty of people who are either Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Persian (everyone I know who is from Iran magically becomes “Persian” once they immigrate for some reason… probably all that “Death to the west” that I see on the news) and for some reason I never have to ask where they stand on the issue. Muslims scare white people more than Jews, brown Muslims even more. Give them a beard and a kaftan and you watch Karen clutch her pearls. At least the Jewish people get Jon Stewart and Mel Brooks.

    The vast majority of people dont see this as a vast complicated 70 year ongoing geopolitical hot potato, they just pick their side and defend it.

  • This is the kicker. They are a pretty good solution now, but they could be amazing.

    At least in my country they need to hammer out a consistent set of rules and laws regarding their use. Last time I checked the vast majority of them are effectively illegal because under current laws they are too powerful to be considered an assisted pushbike, you cant register them as a roadgoing vehicle because they dont have indicators and brake lights and you cant ride them on the footpath because riding on the footpath is against the law.

    Which puts them in that lovely legal space of “Does a cop want to fuck with me today?” Fortunately our police tend to be pretty cool on the subject because they know that technically taking it out of your house is illegal which is dumb.

  • Lets be real here, the “Kid” is 17.

    Now I dont know what a healthy father/son relationship looks like because I never had one but it seems to me that knowing “Dad likes blondes with big tits” might be slightly less scarring than being left entirely to your own devices with no oversight and going down a rabbit hole of xvideos fetish porn.

    Theres 2 kinds of men in the world. Those that have beaten their dick, and fucking liars. Maybe this shit is weird and creepy, and maybe they have had honest and open discussions about sex and he is trying to give his son healthy attitudes towards it.

  • How many times do I have to qualify that I dont think this is someone who is legit?

    Personal Assistants exist so that people who have the means (probably not this guy) dont have to do mundane shit like remember to set alarms and if they are willing to adequately compensate someone for that level of work (which this twit isnt) then go for it.

    If I won the lottery, Id have a housekeeper and a lawn guy because although I now dont have anything better to do, I still dont want to do that shit.

    If someone wants to offer me $200k a year to handle all his mundane shit and water his bonsai with EXACTLY 30ml of water every 2 days my response would be “Tap, filtered or demineralised?” not “why dont you do it your fucking self?”

  • Ok lets just set aside that this particular job listing is bullshit.

    Hypothetically if your rich and travel alot for work its not unreasonable that you might not have time to find a gym and a trainer yourself. Organising the meals isnt unreasonable, if by that you mean finding a chef, making sure the hotels menu is sufficient and so on.

    The bed time one sounds like B.S but if you’re the kind of person who gets caught up on projects and then realises its 3am, its not ridiculous either.

    Like I said, Im pretty sure this listing is for an absolutely insane person. But at least it sets clear expectations.