He/Him. Marxist-Leninist, Butcher, DnD 3.5e enthusiast and member of UCFW local 880. I administrate a DnD 3.5e West Marches server for Socialists called the Axe and Sickle. https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • I work in a grocery store meat department, and part of my job is breaking down the newly-delivered pallets in the morning.

    Ground beef was on sale and the warehouse had allocated (i.e., sent us extra on top of what we ordered) way too much. Each box has a production date and a use by date, but the text is very small, so I am supposed to write the day of expiration (excluding the month, since ground beef gets only 20 days on the shelf anyways; so a box that expires July 5th would get “5”) in larger size and circle it.

    I was very sleep deprived and on some of the boxes accidentally wrote the day of the production date (last month) instead of the expiration date, making it seem like they had 10 extra days. So the butchers ground other boxes before those ones, and the mistake was only discovered two days after the last two remaining (roughly 80-lb.) boxes had expired.

    A funny mistake that’s not mine is when a new hire, on his second day, was told to run our cart of fresh pickles. When he pushed it over the threshold from the backroom to the sales floor, the too-large, precariously-stacked cart completely collapsed, causing dozens of jars of pickles to smash (and to be clear, I did tell him how to push carts backwards over the threshold so that exact thing doesn’t happen - he just didn’t do it).

    And to top it off, he wasn’t wearing his slip-proof shoes (even though he had been told to multiple times), so when he was carrying a box of sauerkraut to the department to be written off, he slipped in the pickle juice on the floor and dumped sauerkraut all over himself.

  • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    29 days ago

    Speaking as a Socialist, no, lmao.

    First off, UBI’s are not Socialism. In fact, they are antithetical to Socialism. They are Social Democracy, which is objectively the moderate wing of Fascism, the standard borne by those who think we can make a better society by instituting ranked-choice voting, net neutrality, and a 32-hour workweek without ever looking past the symptoms into the actual problems inherent in the system.

    Under Socialism, the vast, vast majority of science will be done (as it is/was, in the USSR and China) by government or government-funded research organizations, where materials are supplied to them and their research is guided by the public interest.

    Cranks doing “science” in their garages and basements in their spare time will still just be cranks.

  • While it might be more sinister to assume they’re all taking orders from some shadow organization, what is likely closer to the truth is that they all just outsource their Twitter accounts to the same social media management company (and with how shortstaffing is these days, all of these tweets might have literally been written by the same person).

  • Oh sorry, it seems like you were responding under the assumption that I’m not also a Marxist-Leninist. But yes:

    Comparing a Chinese man to a beady-eyed yellow bear is racist

    Polls in Hong Kong reveal that 90%+ of the population preferred remaining part of China

    “Tiananmen Square” is a place. In China, the event is known as the June 4th Incident. It was not a massacre of innocent protestors. The protestors in the square left peacefully, violence broke out elsewhere. Almost half of fatalities were military and police. They were fighting an armed insurrection, and it happened pretty much everywhere in Beijing except Tiananmen Square.

    If I was a Lemmy.ml admin I would remove your comments and ban you after sending this reply.

  • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.mltolemmy.ml meta@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 month ago

    It’s perfectly valid - moderators are both moderators and users.

    When someone posts a questionable comment, it’s perfectly fine to press them on it, and see if there was a misunderstanding. If a short conversation reveals, no, actually they were just a dick, yeah, delete that whole thread. Nuke them into orbit

  • They didn’t erase the guy from memory, they just liked the picture of Stalin so when the other people in the picture lost favor with the government they edited them out so they could keep using it.

    Say you went on honeymoon to France, and you made vacation friends with a Frenchman there, who ended up being in several of your honeymoon pictures. The Frenchman is later convinced as a pedophile, and you don’t want to be associated with him anymore. You photoshop the Frenchman out of your honeymoon photos so that you can keep using them.