FactuallyUnscrupulou [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I play disc golf and my city has a weekly random doubles league which is more focused on making friends than competition. I joined a community organization to push our local officials to fix stuff. I also try to take art classes when possible. I’ve done all that stuff for a year now and still only really have acquaintances or distant friends, it will take time to figure out which ones I truly feel comfortable with and can confide in. For reference most people I see at these things are 30+, those folks are slower to warm up to each other since they usually have adult commitments. I did a lot of these same activities in my 20s too and you’re right it was easier to become close with people in a shorter timeframe than it is now.

  • Every decade folks have moved into or out of my life. I think going through our twenties everyone is friendly; you socialize with lots of peers and still try to make good impressions with older people to maintain good social standing. Once you hit thirties you begin filtering out folks who don’t align with your morals and values. You know who you can and can’t trust and have less time to be patient with others ignorance. I’m not in my forties yet but understand I’ll probably have boomer outbursts one day and the kids will make fun of me.