Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]

vegan btw

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I’m gonna comment without reading first because i’m a naughtly little hog

    i keep seeing people in the reddit city sub being like “the taxes in this city are so expensive, i’m moving to X” where X = a city with higher cost of living and i’ve gotta assume people aren’t actually that bad at math, and are in fact weird bots that neolibs made to complain about taxes that help unhoused people get a single scrap of support

    edit: okay now i’ve read it. I’m going to compost that person and put them in my garden to grow mushrooms on

  • it’s not murder if it’s done at a distance. Therefore all gun violence that causes death is no longer murder :)

    We did it, amerikkka!

    This is where the logic of “it’s okay to kill as long as it’s humane” gets you.

    To unjerk for a second, they don’t view it as murder or brutal because

    CW: racism against Palestinians


    They are viewing them as subhuman. They’re no longer people. You can’t murder a subhuman, according to fascists. You get rid of an invasive species that’s taking up valuable land. It’s not brutal, it’s efficient.

    This tactic of dehumanization has been used over and over to justify genocide. I’d recommend this book “Less than Human, Why we Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others” if anyone is interested in what i’m saying. It holds up from a leftist POV - it talks about how the genocide always happens for a material reasons such as a desire for land/free labor, and then a dehumanizing rhetoric is created and used to declare those in the way as either dangerous, too unintelligent to make their own decisions, or dirty and uncivilized in a way that is threatening. Same exact pattern with very similar arguments happening over and over again.

    I know we all know this, but seriously this book is really good and shows over and over how it happens.

  • Hello and welcome. Today we’re looking at hexbear, a far right site apparently created to… defend John Brown?

    I can say these kiddies seem dangerous. There’s been numerous memes making light of horrible situations, like violence commited upon settlers. Some users regularly used the phrase “Amerikkka”, and there were numerous references to wishing violence upon this great nation. Far right idols such as North Korean, Chinese, and Soviet russian leaders are used without irony. It’s no doubt, this is the face of cyberterrorism on the right. They are doing such evil acts as getting ported in to planting meadows for buggos and distribute bread to the poor, and posting mean comments to landlords on their iphones, often during work hours.

    it’s getting dangerous out there folks, the bears in disguise are out in force today. The meanest, absolute meanest comments to “landfash” (a slur they made up) are there that you can think of. Something to watch for. Over to sportsball news, a few more people have concussions and lifelong chronic conditions, while their bosses continue to make disproportionately more money. Over to Jim with the details. After this, we’ll have a special interview with the moderator of the reddit sub /r/neoliberal who talked about the frequent abuse He and his users experienced at the face of these “Chapbears”.