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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Well, for one example, the British monarchy is about 1500 years old and they’ve done nothing that didn’t serve the cis white community to the detriment of anyone who isn’t a religious white straight person across the entire face of the planet.

    I would argue that you should consider who writes the history books and who they serve.

    As for real people, I see them everyday. As for breathing people, there are far fewer queer and brown people than there should be, because they were murdered, stolen from, subjugated, repressed, and neglected as a course of standard operating procedure of the “status quo”.

  • This is a very generous estimation of the depth of their logical thinking.

    My personal read is that cis people, especially cis white people, hate pronouns/genders and racial celebration because it’s something they can’t have. That they can’t control. And that doesn’t hinge on them. They’re boring, and insignificant, and they’re bitter and jealous about it.

    It’s like a kid who doesn’t want to play a game anymore because they aren’t winning. Not to suggest that they aren’t winning, because by all accounts they’ve been winning for thousands of years. But even still, the panic they feel from any lack of understanding or loss of control is responded to by smashing the game board and pouting with their arms crossed.

  • Believe it or not, your understanding is not essential. Unfortunately for you, truth is nuanced and not conveniently delineated. Just because you can’t grasp it, doesn’t make it a mystery.

    Give me a break.

    Cis people have received an inordinate number of breaks for the entirety of recorded history. You will never be killed for holding hands with the wrong person. No nation has a death penalty for expressing your love openly.

  • Just being extremely generous and assuming for the sake of argument that every crime that Trump has been proven to have committed was somehow a conspiratorial hit job perpetrated by some massive shadowy leftist cabal. I’ll never understand how the “grab em by the pussy” guy is the Christian choice. How the guy who cultivated the image of ruthless businessman, and who fired people for the sake of entertainment is the Christian choice. The man who famously cited second Corinthians as “two Corinthians” to a room full of evangelical Christians is the Christian choice. How the guy who insults people so regularly and often that there is a whole wikipedia article dedicated to it is the Christian choice. And finally, how the Wharton grad, billionaire New York real estate tycoon somehow doesn’t represent the “coastal elite” which is supposedly the enemy he is fighting against to restore “true Christian values”.