• 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I think I’ll refrain from posting a pic here, but mom had a ‘plant-bent’ that she followed up on by eventually becoming a certified ‘master gardener’ via series of courses.

    In parallel with that, over the course of many years, mom took the little suburban backyard we had and transformed it in to… holy Willy Wonkas… a sort of ‘lush paradise,’ and with each square foot or so, it consisted of generally non-native, fascinating species. I.e., plants with interesting herbal qualities, incredible flowers, or whatnot.

    Earlier, we’d rescued two stray cats, and it was really fun seeing them go back outside and frolic in mom’s garden. Hahaha, it was like an amusement park to them, one in which they became undeniably blissful and non-argumentative. (see, they didn’t like each too much, despite being sister littermates)

  • you’re claiming that they’re misusing the anti-CSAM feature to remove comments from the modlog

    Right, that was one aspect of that, but at the end of the day?

    What ML has clearly done is to fuck with the integrity of the Lemmy-sphere across multiple, fundamental levels, and that’s what I and many others find completely unacceptable, and have of course stated as much.

    Seriously, how is it even possible that you’re browsing the FV and haven’t seen this shit…?

    Yes, yes-- I get the fact that you’re a ‘self-declared weirdo!’ “Big proponent for killing all cis men! Token Trotskyite!”

    You DO understand of course that civilisation is collapsing fast, much of it due to our bloody inactions, is it not…?

  • So this is coming up on the one-year anniversary, when I was beyond frustrated with Reddit, when I decided to ‘jump in to the FV,’ and was matched up with this particular random instance / site.

    Dudes… I feel like I’m the luckiest person in the universe.

    OP has not only taken his personal time to help me across multiple various issues, but even resurrected my community when I accidentally deleted it a couple months ago(!)

    Our little Euro-art community, such as it is, would simply NOT be possible without OP.

    I am BEYOND grateful, sir. <3