NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]

  • 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • Extincion Rebellion in Finland has withdrawn from a demostration due to police violence. The libs are calling this a smart move as it draws more attention to their cause. Mainstream media however rarely reports the demos or if it does, it typically frames these as the disrubtion of traffic. Today the liberal bourge paper Helsingin Sanomat has called out for the protesters right to protest safely.

    Their next demo will start as planned tomorrow with a press release about the police violence. In the Finnish text based press release they report the police hitting people in the head, dragging them on the asfalt and other acts of physical violence. The police started forcefully removing protesters as soon as the demo started with no prewarning or commands to leave.

  • I especially love how the author just threw the deaths and misery that resulted from the fall of the Soviet Union in there as some inevitable force of nature type event with zero analyzes of why, by who and to the benefit of who it actually happened. I am so annoyed with the ever present divorce of the historical analysis of the harms of capital and reality from all academic text.

    Reading this article onward it does have some good stuff in it too, once it actually gets to looking at the garage culture and the men who participate in it. But it also credits neoliberalism as giving people some alternate path to agency, true Giddens brainworms.

    I also hate how hard a time the author still has in giving credit to the collectivist form of human activity that is described.

    And the jargon is just never-ending. The last two pages of this I was not even able to really understand, and afaik I understand things just fine.

  • Going into someones house with shoes on would very much be considered so rude where I live.

    I mean in winter shoes are covered in snow, in spring and autumn they are often wet. Or just otherwise dirty. Why would anyone do that to someones home?

    My work puts me in peoples homes and the first thing I do is take off my shoes, because of course I do.

    I used to have a AmeriKKKan partner for a while and the dude lived his life with shoes on. Like put them on getting out of bed. Even had them on lying down often. Seemed so uncomfy to me, but I suppose if the insides of houses are treated the same as the outside, you would want shoes on because the floor must be dirty all the time.

  • Ah, it’s the issue with the Greens and Western leftists.

    I order a nature conservation related magazine that just ran an editorial in the last issue listing all the problems of capitalism without mentioning capitalism even once. Wanted to burn the damn paper.

    Not naming the problem is exactly the issue. And it’s literally all leftism is now in countries like mine. Our leftest (lib) party proudly calls this “the modern left” and it’s essentially just being a bourge with social justice related characteristics and imperalism.

  • And also the fact that these companies hold no responsibility for them results in all the injuries being treated in public healthcare with tax payer money so all the cost is offloaded to whatever country the tech company drops these in. Due to my work I have some info on how much these tend to busy up the ER on weekends when folks get hurt most and it isn’t hyperbole, it certaintly isn’t the same as bike accidents. It’s often facial injuries and stuff like losing teeth, things that could be completely mitigated with mandatory helmets.

    Also they tend to make pedestrian lanes inaccessible to disabled people. Around where I live people leave them wherever, a person on a wheelchair is not going to get around with these things littered everywhere.

    They need to be city/state run.

  • Sounds like these einsteins have never experienced poverty or any kind of an undeprivileged position where medication and access to healthcare is systemically disrubted all the damn time as a system feature.

    Where are all the Westerners with actual access to even basic healthcare right the f now? I mean this is again a post that only reveales the privilege and ignorance of the posters.

    This level of ignorance can only come from a consistent choice to not aknowledge the endless and constant violence the system we live in does. On every level. We live in a system of violence that was built on violence and is upheld by it. Ffs…

  • Good grief, it’s been in place from 2005? I did not know that Sweden has been this far into reactionary territory for this long, although I do know a bit about the moral panics about immigrants and such, those sort of leak across the Baltic.

    Anyone aware if the face coverings in this demo were face masks (covid/health protection)? The Swedes seem to have a very weird fash aversion to them along with Finns, the playbook of herd immunity by letting the weak die pretty much came from Sweden. Stronghold of eugenism showing its true colours.