Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]

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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • hes fantasy batman crossed with forest gump, a mary sue ‘the best ever at fighting’ character and master detective who ‘tries to stay out of politics’ but ends up being involved in every important thing that ever happens anywhere, and gets the opportunity to fuck every woman mage in the land. every person in the setting that isn’t also a witcher or a mage rightfully sees him as an inhuman monster, it does the x-men thing where it portrays the superhuman monster-people as ‘oppressed minorities’, meanwhile accidentally justifying their oppression by making them actually materially physically very dangerous to those around them. early in the 3rd game these 3 human guys will team up on the witcher for making a politically controversial statement, expecting a bit of a scuffle or fist fight brawl, and he decapitates them all with his superhuman sword skills. they were unarmed.

  • i will never beat a dark souls game. i could, but it would be (and has been so far) a joyless slog of grinding for resources so that i can make any new weapons or armor i find actually worth using. getting new items isn’t fun, it only means awkwardly travelling to whatever region has enemies that drop the most titanite shards and spending hours battling enemies in a region you finished hours ago just so that the new item does more than a pittance of damage. plus i really really expected elden ring to have any kind of climbing, even a simple ledge-clamber, after sekiro’s ninja-parkour, and instead all we got was a useless crouch button and a less flavorful jumping mechanic. they’ve essentially been re-releasing the same game with a different map since demon’s souls. overrated trash series, from software should have stuck to armored core games imo and i’m only partially saying that because i am obsessed with mechs. i would rather play EVE online and i hate spreadsheets.

  • their faith kind of is psychic mumbo jumbo, they can turn into saints (basically ‘greater demons’ of The Emperor) and have all kinds of specifically psychic/magical weaponry like a tank that has a pipe organ that kills demons instead of a turret. they also have cyborgs, cowardly sisters who flee in battle get strapped into a killing robo-suit and sent to the frontlines until they die, if they are lucky they leave the pilot unarmored, otherwise they put them into an iron maiden-style pod on the mech. also i think they still have Arco-Flagellants, prisoners who have their limbs replaced with electro-whips and have their forebrains replaced with combat drug dispensers and control mechanisms.

    also afaik they do have power armor by default, its not as good as a space marine since the sisters lack the implants that allow space marines to directly control the armor with nerve impulses like their own body, but its about as good as you get as a ‘normal person’ without being an Inquisitor

  • the OG space marines are all men not because of in universe sexism but because they are intended by the Emperor to be ultimately disposeable biological war machines, with tightly controlled ‘production’ dependent on ‘baseline humanity’. even the potential to reproduce, or edit themselves to be able to reproduce, would be contrary to this plan. only the Primarchs are meant to lead humanity in any capacity, and even they are meant to fade into obscurity and be disposed of once humanity is in a good position and doesn’t need genetically engineered killing machines to protect them from aliens and living emotion monsters.

    that being said, after pulling the primaris space marines out of a hat (secret bunker on mars) they could just be like ‘wow this machine cult protagonist guy figured out how to make female space marines and due to the recent big warp storm the government can’t be bothered to care’

    custodes are a different thing however, they are meant to be the emperor’s personal companions and unlike the space marines are not meant to be killing machines (even though they are far more formidable in combat than a space marine), they are meant to be intellectuals and philosophers also. they have a lore counterpart in the Sisters of Silence, who are all women but cannot speak due to their anti-psychic abilities being so powerful that their voice would shatter a mortal person’s mind (kinda misogynist to make them all silent but they are at least the intellectual equals of custodes and can write/read afaik) but since the custodes and sisters are such personal projects of the emperor (who had a woman scientist help him with all this genetic engineering afaik) they could easily contain among them unique and exceptional individuals.

    in conclusion basically the entire point of the 40k setting is that it is so implicitly huge and diverse and detailed that you can plausibly fit a lot of headcanon or new lore into it, there’s no real diegetic reason for GW not to introduce female or gender nonconforming space marines or custodes. the emperor is basically dead so he can’t stop them, Guilliman is back and allowed Cawl to make the new primaris space marines (such heresy!), and the galaxy and therefore the Imperium is split down the middle by a huge chaos storm with each half led by different guys. Its like the perfect time to introduce non-male space marines and custodes, in fact it would be nice to have non-male models for other factions like the imperial guard, who canonically recruit men and women and even mutants, even the relatively good-guy coded Tau only have the single woman character (Shadowsun) as an actual model you can get.

    Sisters of Battle do already exist but they literally have spiky boob-shaped breastplates so idk if i can give them any feminist credit for that.

    though given all the crotch-mounted skills and breast spikes in the setting i can only assume that the Imperium isn’t as much misogynist as it is entirely sex-negative (it can summon demons due to chaos if you feel too many emotions too strongly)

  • i really wish i had a job i could handle, ive had a mental health/autistic/OCD/PTSD breakdown at every job i’ve had. at one food delivery driver job i had to actively concentrate on not driving into oncoming traffic to end it all, it was exhausting mentally and physically and emotionally. no one at any of the jobs i’ve had would even talk to me or try to be friends, they were already friends with everyone else there (all highschoolers, younger enough than me that we had nothing in common - which is true for all other age groups as well since i’m an unlikeable weirdo) and ignored me, i just stood silently in the corner when no one needed me to do something in particular. i’m not good enough at math (number dyslexia maybe? i cannot even keep numbers straight during simple addition or subtraction, i need a calculator to do any kind of multiplication or division) to ‘lrn2code’, i have involuntary psycho-physical responses to social situations (my face and hands get tingly and numb), i’m too ugly to be a youtuber or streamer (i have had bad acne that doesn’t go away even though i wash all the time and have tried several treatments, for my entire life, even now into my 30s), and i’ve just given up on ever making any money with art since i can’t force myself to bother creating anything even though i have more free time than anyone could possibly ever need - it’s just a draining psychodrama of self-worth and failure. I am already exhausted, i am at my absolute wit’s end just trying to ‘tread water’ in my failperson life arc, it’s already nearly impossible for me to pretend like i’m not constantly thinking about suicide so that those around me aren’t disturbed or upset. and then my dad uses every chance he gets to shoehorn ‘get a job’ into conversations and its like ‘i am fully aware of how fucked i am and am doing my best to not panic as i ride the conveyor belt to poverty and shortly thereafter death, the amount of times i have been lectured is not the primary obstacle to me finding stable employment’ and i’m still better off than like 90% of people because i have a less-toxic-than-average family that doesn’t charge me rent (yet) so i feel like a douchebag for even bothering to process my experiences while people out there get genocided and forced into agricultural slave labor and mining at gunpoint. don’t even get me started on how impossible it is to even consider any kind of relationship or romance in this context, even if there were people interested in me (which there will never be as i am apparently the Least Relatable Person Ever), i would have no ‘space’ for them, i would only be a mental and emotional drain on others.

  • i never got super into monster hunter but always liked what i did play. i liked the aesthetic of monster hunter world especially, with that fantasy caveman-esque architecture and clothing, and some of the zones like the mushroom cave place where beautiful. i didn’t like the more recent ninja themed one as much, ninjas should be fighting other ninjas, samurai, their assassination targets, and the occasional demon or ghost, not dinosaurs. i overall like the combat in the series but i wish it was less damage-spongey, keep the big goofy anime sword weapons and lengthy interruptible animations sure, but make it feel like its actually doing damage when i do manage to hit. instead of having to hit the dinosaur a hundred times with the biggest slowest sword possible before it runs away and i have to hit it another hundred times, maybe make it so i only have to hit it 30 to 50 times each stage lol.