• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It’s bad, ie rents keep rising, groceries keep rising, gas keeps going up. Average wages don’t. But at the same time we have lots of people with plenty of money, moms with time to walk their kids to the parks on a Tuesday afternoon… Plenty of people are making plenty of money. It’s just that if you aren’t one of those it’s pretty difficult.

    Younger peeps are just living with roommates or shacking up to make it work. But they aren’t living in vans en mass, or something.

  • For the past 6 months, every Monday I get 5 40% off Uber Eats food deliveries. By spending $40 on this, I find myself having dinner for us, and leftovers for someone’s lunch, for not a whole lot less than cooking our own. For instance I roasted a chicken the other day, I made a caesar salad, with all the fixings. The chicken was what 11 bucks the salad stuff was another eight for the lettuce and the dressing. Meanwhile I order a $40 Uber Eats meal and pay 30 including delivery/tip so it’s not really that far off. If they ever stop sending me those coupons then it’s back to the kitchen for me. But for now, might as well order my burritos or pad Thai while the going is good!

  • Literally everyone I know does, though. It’s your calendar, your email, your communication. The only jobs I can imagine that you don’t need to have a mobile device are when you are a drone who has to sit where the boss tells you all day long. Even then, your work likely communicates with staff via text or an app.

    Has it been awhile since you worked somewhere?

  • Lol I don’t know. I guess if you work at Amazon or something having one could be considered optional. My job is literally dependant on my cell phone, and my ability to handle emails calls and texts while away from the office is a core of my ability to earn enough money to pay my bills.

    If I didn’t have a cell phone for even 1 day, I would make $0 that day at my job.