TreadOnMe [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • Yeah, this kinda jargonic shit is pretty typical for your average liberal arts text. I’d love to read the studies they are citing, cause I will guarantee that there is a lot of editorializing going on here. Notice how the ‘Men’s coping… authoritarian communist rule’ is completely uncited. The sections before and after are cited, but that part is stuck in there to make it look like it’s supported, but I would make a safe bet that neither study actually says that because if they did, they would quote the study’s author directly. Also notice how that trend continues through the page.

    I had this kind of problem all the time when I did my liberal arts degree and my grade would suffer for it depending on the professor. Never enough to get a ‘C’, but I am legitimately getting better grades in my engineering classes now because I don’t have to deal with this level of interpretative, editorialized and adhoc bullshit. Shit’s tough, especially if you actually take the science seriously, unlike a lot of these authors.

  • You basically summed it up.

    It’s more like once the money dried up for the socialist and progressive movement outside of some podcasts and the DSA, Dasha and Anna just decided to jump onto the next easiest band-wagon, which in the New York arts scene is Alt-right but hot because we’re ironic about it and everyone involved does cocaine and has money. Then Dasha got a bit part in Succession, and now has really leaned into the trad-Cath.

    At this point they are basically on the same tired hot-girl podcast grind, except instead of petty DSA stuff it’s petty NY art scene and weird religious grievances stuff. They are just provocateurs and trend followers at heart.