TupamarosShakur [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2023


  • The original tweet is not even correct in any way. Ilhan Omar is not from Puntland, she’s from Mogadishu. Her father is from the area of Puntland. But Puntland didn’t even exist on a map until 1998 - when Ilhan Omar was 17 years old. No one in her family, including her, ever lived in a place called “Puntland.” Her father was basically from the area that became Puntland, but never lived in it at any time it was referred to as “Puntland.”

    Furthermore, the Puntland flag is from 2009 - 14 years after Ilhan Omar’s family was in the United States. Not even her father has any ties to that flag, its extremely modern. Chuds will just find anything to get worked up over.

    edit: Puntland didn’t even exist until 3 years after Ilhan Omar’s family was in the United States

    edit 2: furthermore, I’d love to see EndWokeness’ source for “largest Somali population in the west” because I don’t think that’s true either. I’m pretty sure London has more Somali people than Minnesota.

  • tbh I don’t know that much about him past his edgy era. I know he has apologized for some stuff though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t change his opinions on things behind the scenes given how his music and image has changed over the years, but maybe not? I don’t think earl has explicitly apologized for anything either outside of offhand suggestions that he regrets certain things, but it’s pretty clear his opinions have made a complete 180 since EARL.

  • I guess you either go the idubbbz route and apologize/repent for all your past edginess and denounce that version of you and all the fans who still hold on to it or you become a nazi.

    Pretty much yeah. I enjoyed a number of his videos since it was sort of nostalgic to relive Kony 2012, fyre festival, leroy jenkins, some of that pre-gamergate 4chan stuff, but yeah I pegged him as a 4chan nazi immediately just based on what he chose to cover. idubbbz, joji, tyler the creator, earl sweatshirt - that’s really the way to do it. Recognize you were wrong but also young, and move forward.

  • new class analysis just dropped

    Blue Collar Class - construction, trades, janitors, truckers etc., people who work their bodies hard and will “burn out” in their 50s due to accumulated injuries, don’t typically work a set 9-5 but instead do shift work

    White Collar Class - people who work that there 9 to 5, biggest deltas between working and office class folks is the set schedule and work that doesn’t really take a toll on the body

    Professional Class - execs, doctors, law partners, etc. - people who amass wealth in a way that white and blue collar folks do not, have multiple homes, and can fund their kids education without debt, and can pay for extracurriculars to get their kids into elite institutions to try and keep that professional class status in the next generation

    The Neogentry - the feudal lords of America, they own dealerships, a chain of franchise stores, locally important businesses, and are big fish in a big town but unimportant in a city or populous state. Wealth is intergenerational, but they are more locally/state focused. they probably have a relationship with their congressional rep, and definitely have a number of state govt members who know them on a first name basis

    Blue Bloods - the Johnsons etc., high-3 and 4 comma club families with money managers who have real elite pull in society. They can meet with their senators, their governor, and may be able to get the President’s attention on key issues