A #PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays #Tabletop and #VideoGames; if the weathers nice I #Climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor #Bouldering ones.

Pronouns He/Him
Blog https://realmenweardress.es
Photos https://pixelfed.social/pieceofthepie
Keyoxide https://keyoxide.org/606B2E3C103A443663DA82716B37390F365AADAA

  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • The issue with orchestration is that you still need a way to share those small databases and config files.

    Docker has ok NFS support so you’d want to move the files to NAS shares and have them mount those. Without some way to centralise or spread the files out you won’t be covering your SSD failure case. Once you’ve got that going docker swarm will probably cover your needs just fine.

    You could go with K8S but based on you setup that’s a bit overkill (unless you’re doing it as a learning exercise, in which case go nuts).

  • Depends on how you like to learn. I’m a doer so I just got stuck in building and bodging things together.

    Plenty of videos about, Jeff Geerling (youtuber who does lots of Raspberry Pi stuff) has a bunch of videos and a book.

    Well worth it though. I couple it with terraform to handle the infra stuff and I can have a basic VPS spun up with a locked down firewall and SSH with a single command and about 5 minutes.