blashork [she/her]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022


  • Rule 6 is rule 6. Gonna prune this.

    That being said, you make me constantly embarrassed to be using the same website as you. I don’t know how but you manage to constantly come up with some of the worst takes I’ve ever seen.

    The idea that the bourgeois democracy of the imperial core was made by bipoc and leftists is fucking ridiculous. No I will not dignify this with an actual argument.

    Anyways you can all have a slap fight in dm’s or something. Or make a thread in a more appropriate place. I don’t care, just take it elsewhere.

  • dean-smile

    EDIT: changed my vote to stay, people here are right, banning the admins and then staying federated is a phenomenal bit.

    lmao fuck em. Anyways, for anyone who wants context on the dm harassment stuff, here is our lovely convo.

    The last post came in right before they were banned. I don’t know if any response would go through, and frankly I don’t care to continue the conversations.

    Also, the operandi thing was very much to tilt them. Anyone who has seen me type here knows I physically cannot type “you”, it only comes out as “oyu”.

    Further also, they edited their second comment:

    The link is to here. No idea what doomtown is, but the card art is neat. The pfp still looks like linkara trying to trike a pose. Anyone who wishes to continue mocking that pfp, go here.

    I’ve had runins with unruffled (critical levels of ruffled) before. I find them both distasteful. There are a handful of db0 users I like. They are welcome to migrate here, or to any of the instances still federated with us. The rest of them, mao-wave

  • Personally, my personal policy has always been don’t directly tighten the bolts by working for a company that does. I understand that we can’t go around holding a trial for the inventor of the screw because they’re used in everything, not just weaponry. But I can pretty comfortably say, anyone who works directly for the US military and accompanying industrial complex deserves no forgiveness. The engineers and workers at raytheon and northrop grumman etc are scum. I have a friend who found out their seemingly normal company was making systems for weaponry and they immediately quite. I think they’re cool for walking away the moment they found out.

    Past that is very case by case basis.