charly4994 [she/her, comrade/them]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • I’m always taken a bit aback when people at work just go wild with slurs. You have the r-slur getting used just kinda flippantly for so much stuff where they could easily just pick another word, only had one person at my previous job really say it so this new job with like 4 people that use it is kinda disheartening. Also had a coworker use the f-slur when talking to me, they were quoting one of their children saying something along the lines of “X is for …” but I’m kinda visibly queer so the sheer gall to just go with it anyway was something new.

    Then the conversations I overhear about politics every so often make me just never want to hear them since I’d rather just not know how terrible everyone I work with is, it’s easier to just maintain that professional friendliness when I don’t have the back of my mind screaming ‘THEY’RE HOGS BRAYING FOR THEIR TREATS OVER ALL ELSE’

  • I have very little hope for this actually being any good. Studios are made of people that make games and the people that were around to make the previous titles really aren’t around any more. The spotlight of Inquisition for me was the excellent weaving of previous world building into the current plot in a way that felt organic and exciting. Now after going through the nightmare of Anthem and then clearly some development hell with this game I have to wonder how many people ended up sticking around and how that will reflect on the final product.

    The stories I’ve read on how Arkane lost a lot of talent often line up with how Bioware has gone. Making a game in a genre the team wasn’t interested in with an overall goal to just make more money jumping in on a live service which led to major staff departures means that even should they try again, the studio isn’t made of the same people anymore and that expecting another great game is shaky at best and should be approached with at least some realism.

    I want it to be good because I’ve enjoyed the series but it’s been 9 years since the last game and the people that made that game good did it despite everything. When they put out cinematic trailers and in-engine screenshots not even 6 months before the announced release, I’m left wondering why they can’t show actual stuff from the game. They should be done with the most major systems by now, environments should be made. I’ve seen this song and dance one too many times in the games industry and until I see people actually playing it I’ll temper my expectations.

  • I hate those N95s, the straps are uncovered and they tangle and rip your hair out, and you’ll be swapping masks frequently these days since you’re gonna go from COVID+ to COVID- and back and forth. The ones at my current workplace are better except for the fact that they press hard on the bridge of your nose and gradually breaking the skin down. And before anyone says, yes I’ve been fit tested, it’s the most comfortable one they offer at my workplace, the circular ones are even worse.

  • The spectacle of these shows is wild. Parking Wars, watch as people struggle to get their car back from a byzantine bureaucracy that they need to go to work the next day or their entire life might just spiral out of control. Dog the Bounty Hunter, watch as this coked up dude hunts poor people for sport in sanctioned bounties. Operation Repo, watch as we film a 100% fake show of people screaming and getting violent over repo workers gleefully stealing their stuff they need. Storage Wars, let’s see how much money I can make selling someone’s loss. Most trash reality that’s gotten popular on A&E is predicated on just someone’s suffering and exploitation and it’s just normal to watch and be like “hehe, sucks to suck, I’ll never be like that” when they’re a paycheck away from being homeless themselves.

  • The one thing I learned from all the sappy Christmas movies from when I was a kid is that nobody will ever remember how great you were doing double overtime shifts, nobody will remember your personal sacrifice to make sure a report was finished, but your family will remember every event you miss. As a nurse it’s easy to lose the barrier between “work” and just being nice. You’re working with real humans that have real needs and going out of your way to be nice to them is fine and dandy, but the entire healthcare industry is built on that where you’ll do a little here and there of unpaid labor or bringing in something from home. To think there’s a person so atomized that they developed these kinds of feelings for a fucking car manufacturer.