dRLY [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2021

  • If you have a need to have an MS account but want to set your Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders back to the old local versions instead of OneDrive taking over. I have found using this to be very helpful when helping customers that don’t want to use it and avoid the headache of running out of the free storage. Obviously making a local user after getting into Windows the first time would also work. But it is always good to have fallback options for folks that Linux isn’t an option for whatever reason.

    If a folder has been taken over by OneDrive it will give a path that shows OneDrive like C\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop instead of %USERPROFILE%\Desktop so just remove everything before the \ and replace it with %USERPROFILE%

    One thing to keep in mind though. If you already have data present while it is set to OneDrive, it might make your stuff look like it is gone. But you can download/copy the files from the actual OneDrive folders into the regular folders after.

  • They were able to see how fucked up the war on drugs was with regards to weed (and of course alcohol). And they want to make bad shit like addiction even worse by further fucking over people. Just more of the right-liberal alliance just putting more people behind bars for addiction and the crime of being poor. No changing of the material conditions that create both issues. Of course the rich and famous will not be impacted. They get to just go to cushy “rehab centres” and make donations to the pigs (which are always on call to remove the “untouchables” from sight).

  • They really seem to ignore that said conscripts are more or less handed weapons by the oppressors committing genocide. And puts them in a good position to just take all the weapons they can and build an armed resistance with said weapons. They might have been forced into being there, but they could be finding others and merc-ing the genocidal and apartheid fucks. If the right-wing govs want to unintentionally arm the left and other people that know said govs are evil. Then it seems foolish to not exploit the fuck out of it. Even if the conscripts might have been initially not against their govs. The moment that they wake the fuck up, it is basically still supporting evil if they don’t rebel. Shit is already a war, so the otherwise regular day to day things that might hold someone back are gone. You are either going to be killed for following orders and attacking the oppressed. Or you might get killed for fighting back. If being killed is likely anyway, then fucking at least be on the correct side of shit.

  • New waves of workers will either fall back to the groomed bigotry of “they took our jobs” as we have seen time and time again from other job sectors (like industrial/manufacturing/support/etc). Or maybe wake up to the corps/bosses/board members/capitalists being the real cause of their loss of jobs. Given that so many tech-bros tend to jump into libertarian stuff (regulations/taxes being evil by default which they also learned from the bosses that just fired them). I am guessing that sadly the former will be what they do, even if they go on to curse the mega-corps that purged them to inflate numbers. Though I hold hope that some will have a radicalizing moment and join the left.

  • I am not sure specifically (since the US has multiple bans/Patriot Act 2.0 bills all in play) if the current ban bill being talked about is this one as the “news” sites just keep saying the “TikTok Ban Bill” and not directly saying which one. But at least the HR 686 anti “TikTok” bills mentions that people that are caught using banned apps from listed adversary nations (which the PRC is listed by name) and/or bypassing bans to use the services can be both jailed for 20yrs and a possible fine of one million dollars. It also seems to share a lot of similar items as the other “TikTok Ban” bill, HR 1153

  • We have reached the point in capitalism where basically where the “premium” products aren’t even as well put together as cheap ones from decades ago. Not like this is shocking coming from Tesla Motors, but even the newest and top-spec iPhone’s are having staining issues (at least those can keep water out so that is nice). Can’t even do your own repairs without getting permission and losing unrelated features if not buying their parts. Low-end or high-end is meant to just be completely junked and replaced. And somehow still get applauded for combating environmental damages.

  • I would guess that he was maybe hoping (foolishly) to freak out the Dem leadership and elected folks to wake up and break from what they always have done. Which is just always bow to conservatives and act like “bipartisanship” and “norms” are sacred above doing shit their own voters want/need. They saw the way Bernie and people like Stewart are able to get people jazzed-up and even inspire. And they went out of their way to undo all of it in the name of moderate/centrist can kicking. So done with the “we hear you and see you, but our hands are tied by insert excuse” excuse. At this point anyone that thinks Dem leaders are “fixable” and can in any way be trusted to fight for anything are just in the worst levels of denial.

  • They do have a point though about the administration being a big part of an election. But sadly for this person (and the other folks that will use this line of thought), I think that a very large amount of people that are anti-Biden are not fans of his team either. So they are just furthering the arguments of even the anti-Biden Dems that are becoming more and more embarrassed of the party they have blindly supported for so long. Which does open some gaps for leftists to maybe at least flip to Green votes for President, or at least start following the lead of protest movements like the pro-Palestine/ceasefire ones.

    But we have seen how much rot the “blue no matter who” crowd has just ignored for my entire life from late 80’s to now. The masses have been taught to be loud but not know how to do anything. Being fair Republicans aren’t much better but have learned how to scare their established leaders here and there.

  • Maybe he could get one of those Razer respirator style masks they made some limited runs of. Both because RGB for a gaming related lawsuit, but also because they made a point of making the mouth area clear so you can see the person’s lips moving when they were talking. That or one of those Dyson headsets that has the air filter thing, but it would cover the lips from view. I am sure a mic of some sort could be added if their claimed issue is about being able to hear him clearly.

    Also I don’t see how Valve could lose to an antitrust lawsuit in this case. They do have the most “name brand” storefront for PC games. They aren’t like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Sony, or Nintendo with regards to being either forced to use services and all the shit that Microsoft, Apple, and Google pull with their OS’es and products really really not making it easy to use options you want to (if the option is even present). And they aren’t stopping you from playing games from other storefronts or media (like direct downloads from the studios or from physical media), they even let you add non-Steam games to the launcher and don’t tend to stop you from modding. It isn’t like GOG, Epic, EA, Battle.net, Microsoft Store, etc are some tiny unknown options that most gamers are not aware of.

  • Funny for someone that most certainly be one of the next targets of the fascists running Israel if they are able to succeed in their mission to purge the world of Palestinians. The same applies to all the token LGBTQIA+ folks that support the right in the US. They (these fucking idiots in both the US and Israel) are just useful while moderates/centrists are doing their fence sitting and calling the left as “the same”. After the point of masks no longer being needed to take over, the token folks will be purged all the same.

  • I am glad that I started listening to Trillbilly Worker’s Party podcast to learn that she isn’t some pure angel like she is always painted. She has obviously put in waaaaaaay more work to get from nothing to something compared to many rich people/celebs. But the pedestal she is always placed on really blinds people to things she doesn’t seem to care about. Sometimes people like her are actually far worse on the working class and poor because they happened to have “won” and therefore the others just need to be working harder. But they never seem to want to actually be part of breaking that cycle of abuse. She may have been one of us back in the day, but she hasn’t been one of us in a long time.

  • Being honest, I hadn’t really thought about it until now. Seeing how Japanese work culture is and how in a lot of cases (specifically the “businessman” type office jobs) many young people might just see it as the beginning of no more “life”. So if all the freedom and fun of basically everything college or lower ed levels is where the concept of “young” just ends, and old age means no longer being able to do anything other than boring work. And while not an excuse for adults lusting after actual kids (it isn’t), it could be a weird reaction to the mass desire to be/feel “young” again when looking at it from an “old” POV. So maybe the hard shift in basically all of Japan’s work culture vs free time to just do more free time things could help in shifting both the idea of what “old” is as well as turning fixation of lusting after or otherwise yearn to “feel” young again.

    But I also can’t say that the headspace of the US is much better in how our work/life systems are getting any better and might start shifting into a weird clone of what our own corpo overlords want to copy from Japan (or other SEA nations). We already see more and more articles about how corps and many small businesses either openly or imply that you should be finding ways to bring work into “free” moments in your non-work portions of the day. How not doing that shit is signs of “just not being motivated to succeed”. And how even those moms out there are getting pressured into getting back to work sooner or be quietly replaced for not being as available due to now having kids.

  • I am not convinced that all his actions since being forced to follow through with the buyout hasn’t been to do just that. He is the kind of person that always has to feel like he won (if only to himself), while also being “important/cool” enough to be in the spotlight. He wanted to bluff Twitter while trying to look like he was “fighting against censorship”. But Twitter called his bluff and tried to make an example of him so other rich folks wouldn’t go around doing shit like that. Which also blinded them to the kind of crazy rich dick Musk is and how far he is willing to go to “win”. So they forced the buyout and were likely thinking that the massive influx of money would be overall a good thing and just be ready to make some minor changes here and there if Musk really pushed as the main shareholder.

    Which might have worked if he were a “normal” liberal capitalist. However he immediately came in and tried to either quickly cut costs in order to drive stock prices up as investors or folks trying to pull a new GME rush so he could sell off and get money back. Or to make sure that the folks that forced him to buy are able to see him slowly and publicly drag the company down and turn it into a laughing stock. While also maybe trying to eventually change it into the “everything” network he has dreamed about ever since he got the “X” domain. With all the other extreme and sudden changes done on whims, it isn’t exactly a bad time to just say wild ideas to see how people react.

    Since lots of people are most certainly not going to pay for “Blue” every month. $1 a year does “seem” like a small enough number to convince lots of normies that are already conditioned into thinking everything should be a monthly/yearly subscription. Which could (if everyone were to actually pay in addition to normal ad-rev) also be an attempt to pump stock prices as it would be one of the only chances of the company making money and therefore allow him to sell off.