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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Nope just ran it did exactly as I said.

    gpt output

    Full output:

    Finding a SHA-512 hash with 12 leading zeros is computationally intensive and typically involves a process known as “proof of work” where many hashes are computed until one with the desired property is found. Here’s an example Python script that performs this task:

    import hashlib
    import itertools
    def find_hash_with_leading_zeros(prefix, leading_zeros=12):
        target = '0' * leading_zeros
        for nonce in itertools.count():
            text = prefix + str(nonce)
            hash_result = hashlib.sha512(text.encode()).hexdigest()
            if hash_result.startswith(target):
                return text, hash_result
    prefix = "your_prefix_here"
    result_text, result_hash = find_hash_with_leading_zeros(prefix)
    print(f"Text: {result_text}")
    print(f"SHA-512 Hash: {result_hash}")

    In this script:

    • The find_hash_with_leading_zeros function generates a hash for a string consisting of a prefix and a nonce.
    • It iterates through nonces (starting from 0) until it finds a hash with the specified number of leading zeros.
    • Adjust the prefix variable to a string of your choice.

    This process can take a long time because it requires computing many hashes until the condition is met.

    Would you like to run this script, or do you need further assistance with something specific?

  • Game theory is a tough subject, but it would be worth it for you to study to understand how you are acting against your less preferred candidate and helping what should be your least preferred candidate (assuming your ranked choice has the republican nominee below the democratic nominee).

    Keep voting for 99% … gets us to the same place

    You make it seem as though your protest vote does not also get us to the same place? Many voters have shared your mentality and voted accordingly for the past 200+ years and it’s not made a difference, what makes you think this time things will change?

  • The author did a poor job of explaining that. He’s referencing the thought experiment of a businessman instructing a super effective AI to make paperclips. Given a terse enough objective and an effective enough AI, one can imagine a scenario in which the businessman and the whole world in fact are turned into paperclips. This is obviously not the businessman’s goal, but it was the instruction he gave the AI. The implication of the thought experiment is that AI needs guardrails, perhaps even ethics, or else it can unintentionally result in a doomsday scenario.

  • A June 2013 poll conducted by DPP showed an overwhelming 77.6% consider themselves as Taiwanese.[140] On the independence-unification issue, the survey found that 25.9 percent said they support unification, 59 percent support independence, and 10.3 percent prefer the “status quo.” When asked whether Taiwan and China are parts of one country, the party said the survey found 78.4 percent disagree, while 15 percent agreed. As for whether Taiwan and China are two districts in one country, 70.6 percent disagree, while 22.8 percent agree

    Taiwan #1