• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Same with pretty much every saying that regressives steal to justify their shit.

    “Blood is thicker than water” does not mean family is more important than friends. The full saying is “Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” So it means the exact opposite.

    “Spare the rod, spoil the child” is actually from a poem by Samuel Butler in the 1600s. The poem is about spanking your lover. The actual bible quote that the poem is satirizing is, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” Nuanced difference, but doesn’t advocate beating the same way the shortened one does.

  • Yet another terrible thing about prisons - they target policing in urban areas where the population is high and tends to vote Democrat. Once arrested, tried, and convicted, that person is sent to a prison in the middle of nowhere - and now counts toward the population of that area, but cannot vote themselves.

    Population is used to determine how congressional districts get allocated, and they haven’t increased the number of congressional seats in decades. So as the prison population rises, they are gaining seats at the expense of urban areas losing the same number.

    It’s literally an updated version of the 3/5 compromise.

  • Dental is expensive, and it can have devastating impacts on health if it isn’t taken care of or is done wrong.

    It’s also very ambiguous as to what is dental and what is medical. For example, I got a severe case of TMJ disorder suddenly. Doctor wouldn’t do anything because it’s “dental” and my dental insurance didn’t cover it because it was the jaw, not the teeth, and therefore “medical.” These distinctions date back to medieval roles - they didn’t make sense then, they certainly don’t make sense now, and we built two entire industries off of the made up distinction.

    And also, grateful isn’t a term that should be demanded of citizens when their government still has work to do. Good changes don’t mean that more changes aren’t needed.

  • They already are. They worship the death of their God, ignoring all the stuff he said to do while he was alive. They won’t engage in any common sense gun control. They worship the military while they’re engaged in killing people, and then they demand those people continue to sacrifice their lives by underfunding and cutting benefits at the VA. They force births, but only to feed the machine with those bodies - once the kids are born, they try to stop them from receiving any benefits like food, medicine, or education - in large part to force them into the military or prisons where they can be controlled and used up.

  • Regressives the world over are not creative. They do what they do because they believe others will do it. They’re bullies because they were bullied, and they don’t want to be the victim, so they erroneously believe that means they have to strike first.

    They never stop to think, “What if the world weren’t shit? What can I do to make it better?” They accept as a fact that it is shit, and they believe the only way to come out ahead is to step on someone else.

    When you get several of these people/groups pointing at each other, it becomes an infinite cycle.