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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • It is different for simulated blurriness, because simulated blurriness can’t be modulated by your ocular muscles, so they won’t reflexively strain to focus.

    You couldn’t really achieve that effect by actually putting any kind of lens in front of your eyes though. That is not a simulation of blurriness, it is actual blurriness.

    The primary way it would be bad for your eyesight is by inducing eye strain, itself a primary cause of blurred vision. It’s a reflex of the subconscious brain - either your eyes will be constantly trying to focus, which strains them, or you’re consciously unfocusing them, which also strain them.

    If you had eye strain causing blurry vision naturally and didn’t correct it with glasses, likely there’d be no downward spiral unless you have some other condition causing that. It’d potentially cause other issues like headaches or spasms though

  • Have we as users already given up on self-curation via blocks and filters? It seems an essential consideration for the design of this platform.

    The recent wave of posts add nothing new to the discussion that I can tell. Maybe we need a sidebar link to help remind people of the instance federation principles, and perhaps help guide them toward use of the features Lemmy provides?

    I appreciate the agnosticism. Preserving federation should never be considered as indicative of any position held by the instance, it’s just what’s best for the network.

    I don’t have much to add to the local community but have been really pleased that I’m able to interact with most other instances from this one and plan to donate when I can.

  • gila@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlvaping
    6 days ago

    They aren’t concerned with deaths, this legislation positions the most harmful and most physically addictive nicotine option as relatively more accessible.

    They aren’t concerned with nicotine addiction, else NRT gum wouldn’t be allowed to stock within reach of children in retail outlets.

    They’re just NIMBY’s, there’s nothing else to it.

  • gila@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlvaping
    7 days ago

    In Australia our tobacco strategy was to effectively ban vapes and price cigarettes out of existence.

    The impact to date has created two totally new black markets: one for vapes after people realised anyone could just hop on AliExpress to buy them in bulk and resell for a 2000% markup. They are banned for import, but nicotine is a colourless odourless liquid and there are no rapid tests for it, no capacity to do expensive GCMS testing on all the random freight entering the country from China (our biggest trading partner by far).

    The other new black market is for “chop chop”, the colloquial name for unprocessed tobacco illegally grown and sold by gangs for cheaper than regular cigarettes / RYO tobacco.

    There’s also been a big increase in violent robberies at tobacco outlets and even gang turf wars over sales of illegally imported or stolen cigarettes. The excise tax is so high that the gangs can extract enormous sales margin and still undercut the market.

    Predictably (and contrary to the rest of the western world) tobacco use has gone up nationally over the past couple of years following a significant downtrend lasting several decades. I’m confident that this strategy, which has been bipartisan amongst our 2 major political parties, will be used as a future case study in why prohibition is fucking moronic. It has continuously demonstrated to be a net detriment to public health, in this case related to a totally preventable yet leading cause of premature death and public health spend.

    There is literally no logic to it beyond Lovejoy’s Law, except for some false manufactured statistics parroted by our leaders which blatantly ignore scientific consensus.

  • gila@lemm.eetoMemes@sopuli.xyzTIL we have a cricket team
    9 days ago

    There has been a lot of investment into exhibition matches over the past few years, and into a Major League Cricket domestic competition which started in 2023.

    There have been failed attempts at domestic leagues in the past, but MLC is a T20 competition. That’s a shorter and more accessible form of the game where a match generally takes around 3 hours to complete.

    That could make a difference, because it’s a lot easier to keep kids interested for a few hours vs. the more traditional formats that could last anywhere between 8 hours, up to 5 days.

    It’s only a 1-month season though, 25 matches over the course of July. I should hopefully make it to a few of them!

  • The resulting song would be useless to everyone, including you. In the hypothetical eventuality where what you’re asking for is implemented, only a tiny minority of the tabs you’ve collected will be of the slightest usefulness to you, ever. Fundamentally, why did you ever open a given tab in the first place? In the case where you ever need to recall it, it will be trivial to open it again in a fresh browser session. You acknowledge googling is easier than managing bookmarks in these volumes, and you’re right. That’s what you should do. Your current approach is simply hoarding.

  • The term benefit by definition means an advantage when compared to the ‘norm’. In places where healthcare is socialised, you don’t really have ‘benefits’ associated with your job. “Ensuring everyone has good benefits” is just socialising with extra steps.

    Good luck passing that through the current American political system. He might as well promise UBI lol, what a crock.

  • Originally, undiagnosed ADHD. The pathway to get licensed was somewhat annoying for me, and I couldn’t be bothered engaging with it. I’ve also always had great access to efficient public transport, which I took to school so was accustomed to using it.

    There’s been lots of secondary reasons over the years - for a long time I had fines to clear before I could progress getting licensed. The fines were bullshit, and I wouldn’t pay them out of principle. Now they’ve expired, that roadblock is no longer in my way, but I’m still not licensed.

    Sometimes it’s annoying, but only really in the sense that I’m proud of my independence / don’t like the rare occasions that I’m dependent on others for travel. I’m in the US on holiday now, and there is comparatively almost zero public transport - that sucks. When I’ve travelled around Europe, Asia, New Zealand, or at home in Australia - the issues are pretty few. I don’t feel held back enough to care, and it seems like a money pit.

    I have learned to drive a car, though. I’m just not licensed to, and don’t. M 33