idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]

Everybody jealous of my 100 house plants

  • 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2023


  • I’ve got uBlock and Privacy Badger but turning them off or going incognito doesn’t help at all. The most common issue I get with YouTube is the video keeps freezing. Apparently this is because Google deliberately fuck it so that other browsers have to play catch up constantly. I have heard this is why Microsoft gave up and adopted Chromium.

    The other issue is that if I open more than one YouTube tab my laptop sounds like it is about to take off into space. I can have an unlimited number of tabs from any other website open though.

  • Wanting to belong just shortcuts people’s brains. Absolute boomer logic. I too would love to just be a cog in the machine. I love the idea of all working together to settle Mars, Expanse style, except the way I’d do it would be to bring back Soviet style communism (Red Planet huehuehuehue).

    Difference is, I still actually don’t want to society to suck and be shit, and for these 20 something boomers, they just don’t give a fuck. They love slavery so long as it is part of their identity. Imperialism is fine, because it is people who look like me who are doing it. Even though it is Coca Cola and Nestle and the oil companies that are the ones who reap the benefits.

    Same thing with organised religion. People literally could not give a fuck if it makes sense, or if it makes their lives worse, or if it used as a cudgel to bludgeon the poor unfortunates that fall outside the pre-defined good group. They don’t care if it serves archaic power structures, and even do not give a fuck when it is arbitrarily used against them. They just pick an identity (or more accurately have one randomly assigned to them by the circumstances of their birth), and then they go with it. Pure vibes.

    So yeah not in the least bit surprised that the army brought these people “back into the fold”

  • As a dork on the internet I should not have a better understanding of history than this guy. When has US intervention ever been good? He has to be thinking of Germany, Japan and Korea, but it’s not like that was the old US and this is the new US, the old US was also doing horrific crimes during this time. And his assessment of politics, what the actual fuck, reads like pure lib cope. On what planet would the US invade Gaza to protect Palestinians from Israel? The whole point is that Israel does the dirty work for them. They don’t need boots on the ground, because corporations are multinational, that’s the whole point, even without all the sweet donor money.