muddi [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Living next to a straight major road is annoying. I’ve lived in a couple places like this near the richer neighborhoods. Rich assholes keep racing their sports cars very late into the night.

    I brought it up with neighbors but they just turn into Karens and call the police, who do jack shit. I’ve considered throwing some spikes on the road lol but I don’t wanna screw up the tires of everyone who passes by

  • I like when authors are intentional about their stories like this.

    People bring up Tolkien’s “applicability not allegory” or death of the author, or just defend their treats against being apparently politicized. But people politicize, interpret, and re-mythologize things anyways. Tolkien’s stories have been coopted by European nationalists to fight the “orcs” of the “East.”

    A similar thing with Dune, people fixate on the environment aspect or exaggerated brutality and oppression by imperialists hence Star Wars, Warhammer, etc. I guess. I find it weird. The point was or should be the struggle for liberation and the power of ideology.

    Might as well be on the nose about things as an author IMO, seems annoying to deal with

    Also: was Dune about Palestine? I thought it was inspired by Lawrence of Arabia, so the Arab Revolt. Maybe the Great Game

  • I think there must be or have been. Corporate policies always have strict measures to make sure fired employees don’t take out their anger before they leave

    Other thing I can think of is that not many people would be willing to throw away their lives or their loved ones’ by doing something that can hurt them even more than losing their job (the brutal reprisal of capital). I can really only think of very desperate or disturbed people like the Unabomber

    or people joining hands through unionization and striking where they can have more confidence and hope. Sometimes that erupts into real violence, like the Battle of Blair Mountain

  • muddi [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netjust don't, ok?
    5 months ago

    Phrases like “American Dream” and “Manifest Destiny” are just euphemisms for genocide and exploitation.

    No other country has concepts like this. They have stuff like mottos and national ideals, but the people have existed long enough in the land to be their own motivation to exist as a nation. The US was created in order to commit genocide and exploit the land. They justify nationhood and citizenship after the fact.

    I think it’s just the Anglo colonies that qualify for this, since European colonies “allowed” indigenous people to persist in some manner. Even then, there’s no eg. Canadian or Australian dream that I’ve heard of. So it’s just American being exceptional, exceptionally genocidal and exploitative.

  • The problem with induction is it works while it works, but when it doesn’t work it doesn’t work. It’s all circular reasoning.

    A hydrated person is hydrated because they hydrate themselves habitually. A dehydrated person is dehydrated because they dehydrate themselves habitually.

    The word water doesn’t even come up in the above. And no consideration of what happens if you strand a hydrated person in the desert: they can’t hydrate, so are they still a hydrated person?