riseuppikmin [he/him]

Also found at riseuppikmin@lemmy.ml

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2022


  • Excited, but I didn’t like either World or Rise near as much as Freedom Unite, 3 Ultimate, or 4 Ultimate largely because I prefer the slower, more prediction-based approach to combat of the older games versus the more reactive 5th-gen onwards approach.

    That said I’ll still probably put 300 hours into wilds, I just really hope we see a remaster release of some of the older games in the near future. If anything I’ve still probably got 1500 hours of Monster Hunter Frontier ahead of me so I’ve got plenty of old-style game left before I run out of my preferred content.

  • Chiming in with some post-hardware-acquisition suggestions.

    Read up and learn about docker and specifically docker compose. My reverse proxy of recommendation for a beginner is Nginx Proxy Manager. Debian stable server releases are great distros for your use-case.

    Use least-access thought for connecting services and networks. For example only jellyfin and jellyseer needs to be on the NPM external network definition and accessible over network, not the underlying *arr stack, VPN, and torrent containers actually searching/acquiring the data.


    • proxy-network


    • proxy-network


    • proxy-network
    • arr-network


    • arr-network
    • torrent-network


    • arr-network
    • torrent-network


    • torrent-network

    Containers are addressable by container name:port if they’re within the same network so you don’t need to worry about finding a container’s specific IP address. Example: when wiring up the Sonarr service’s location in the Jellyseer UI, assuming you named the Sonarr container Sonarr you can punch in Sonarr:7777 [this is just a random port for the example] and that Sonarr will resolve to the correct local IP in their shared network (arr-network in this example).

    Also on the hardware side get a GPU with hardware AV1 support (the new Intel GPUs are great and cheap for this) as that’s the go-forward video codec and you’ll save tons in power on transcoding and an absurd amount of storage space over h.264 and a decent bit over h.265. It’s also worth updating clients with hardware decoding for AV1 asap so that the server has to transcode less as well (recent fire sticks and new TVs within the last 2 years should handle this already)

    Also forgive me if this is all stuff you know already but also enable only key-based ssh access kinda immediately as the amount of port sniffing you’ll get on 22 is absurd.

  • I recommend switching over to the myr* links in the r/roms mega for the time being.

    I also recommend buying a 4TB hard drive and grabbing anything you think you’d plausibly play or care about.

    Tooling around these takedowns seems to be rapidly getting “better” and it wouldn’t surprise me to find out initiatives like this getting increased funding as they’re a way to deploy AI to make it look like you’re meaningfully doing something to “protect” revenue