yuli [she/her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • 10,000 B.C: Understanding Earth’s Layers

    Professor Challenger, who made the Earth scream with his pain machine in a story by Arthur Conan Doyle, gave a talk after mixing books on geology and biology. He said the Earth is like a body without organs. This means it has many different things moving around inside it.

    But that was not the main point. He talked about something important that happens on Earth called stratification. This means there are layers, like belts, that form and organize things. These layers capture and hold things together, like black holes.

    Professor Challenger read a sentence from a geology book. He said we need to remember it: “A surface of stratification is a plane of consistency lying between two layers.” The layers are strata and they come in pairs. The surface between them is a special area that connects them.

    God is like a lobster with two claws. Strata come in pairs, and each layer has two parts. This double articulation means layers have two steps: first, they pick units from moving particles, and second, they make stable structures from these units.

    In geology, the first step is sedimentation, which makes layers of sediment. The second step is folding, which turns sediment into rock.

    obviously a lot is lost, but it exceeded my expectations to be honest

  • i might also be talking out of my ass since i haven’t read less than nothing either, but that is one of his recurring themes (afaik for the ljubljana school of psychoanalysis in general). to oversimplify it, reality in psychoanalysis is the meaning we ascribe to the world, but this meaning is never complete, there is the real which resists signification. material reality is the failure to adhere to this notional determination. of course, psychoanalysis being psychoanalysis, sex is determined as this constitutive lack, something which definitely is, but as to what it is? (which is why sex requires fantasy)

  • yeah agree, he’s also just plain bad with facts and will often just blurt some theory out at a strawman or something. i don’t think it’s just his old age, i remember a passage in soi where he dedicated quite a few pages to kgb activity in the 30s, which is quite impressive for an agency founded in the 50s. some of these mistakes are pretty benign, but they add up to him being seriously misinformed, especially when he rushes an op-ed out.

  • i have to disagree, i don’t think it’s fair to dismiss his work as idealistic woo. i haven’t read that much by him, mostly sublime object, but there’s a coherent materialist line of thinking throughout it (especially in relation to the real) for someone who spends most of his time discussing lacan and hegel, i’m surprised by how clear it still is. back then he also had his silly moments of course, i’m not denying he has always been a bit of a contrarian lib.

    as for the vaguely science-coded language, are you referring to the mathemes? or did he do that thing philosophers sometimes do where they just take gödel and heisenberg to make vague claims about the incompleteness of reality?

  • I thought about what would have happened if protesters were instead chanting anti-Black slogans, or even something like “D.E.I. has got to die,” to the same “Sound Off” tune that “From the river to the sea” has been adapted to.

    when you make an analogy, the analogy is supposed to hold. protesting against genocide is not the same as yelling sieg heil, actually.

    Why do so many people think that weekslong campus protests against not just the war in Gaza but Israel’s very existence are nevertheless permissible?

    because the zionist entity shouldn’t exist.

    Yes, there can be a fine line between questioning Israel’s right to exist and questioning Jewish people’s right to exist. And yes, some of the rhetoric amid the protests crosses it.

    such as? the actions of israel have definitely legitimized antisemitism but let’s not pretend it is in any way characteristic of the protests.

    However, the relentless assault of this current protest — daily, loud, louder, into the night and using ever-angrier rhetoric — is beyond what any people should be expected to bear up under, regardless of their whiteness, privilege or power.

    israel’s bombing — daily, loud, louder, into the night and using ever-angrier rhetoric — is beyond what any people should be expected to bear under, you whiny fuck.

    Today’s protesters don’t hate Israel’s government any more than yesterday’s hated South Africa’s. But they have pursued their goals with a markedly different tenor — in part because of the single-mindedness of antiracist academic culture and in part because of the influence of iPhones and social media, which inherently encourage a more heightened degree of performance. It is part of the warp and woof of today’s protests that they are being recorded from many angles for the world to see. One speaks up.

    gen z iphone tiktok trend bad

    a large number of protesters, including those in the fucking cover image are wearing masks, protesters don’t have their phones out like they’re at a taylor swift concert. idiot

  • this is why i don’t spend a lot of energy trying to convince my western leftist friends to critically challenge their historical perspective on people like mao or stalin. when one of those decade-weeks happen, they’ll see the revolution won’t be clean; they’ll have to acknowledge what is to be done. i think it’s much more effective to focus on proper analysis rather than factual accuracy.

    of course, that is not at all to say that the latter is unimportant.