EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]

Vigilance and compassion

  • 30 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2020


  • “if everything was gumdrops and candy we could have sensible transit infrastructure and a healthcare system that covers injuries but here in real life we have to privatise the sidewalks with unregulated scooters that don’t include a helmet and regularly injure people and bankrupt them with hospital bills.”

    China’s transportation infrastructure and layout environment is very different from that of the west, with dominant public transit, relatively low car use, and significant usage of bicycles and other emobility systems. Inserting scooters into the mix is easier in that case.

    Just dumping them onto sidewalks where they get in the way of pedestrians and wheelchair users, and then having riders only options being either getting sideswiped by cars in the road or bombing past pedestrians on sidewalks isn’t safe for anyone. Ceding the last semblance of public space in the west to private corporations is not acceptable and justifying it under the guise of “well it’s not like the government will implement a functional system so we have to let private companies do it” is a neoliberal talking point.