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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I agree that’s it’s a “hate the game, not the player”. The issue is how much influence he could have to steer the market to favor his product vs. the competition. It’s happened so many times in history where the better product fails because they can’t play the game like the inferior company.

    To quote “Pirates of Silicon Valley”:

    Steve Jobs: We’re better than you are! We have better stuff.

    Bill Gates: You don’t get it, Steve. That doesn’t matter!

    So is it fair for the consumer for big companies to be able to influence the game itself and not just play within the same rules? I’d say no.

  • Oil change, had to drop the round metal filter with I think 6 nuts. Don’t forget to get a new gasket. Valve clearance adjustment, a constant regular thing with these. Not hard, just tedious and sometimes the spring holding each valve cover on could be a pain to pop loose. Transmission level check (that was fun). I loved my Beetles, learned a lot about car maintenance (by necessity lol) but I wouldn’t have another at my age now.

  • A very good “normal” example of body modification, just not as permanent. And there are degrees to that as well…I’ve seen lipstick colors that just enhance the lip color and give a sheen that I don’t think twice about, but even my favorite celebrities look off putting to me when made up “heavily”. I’m a bit on OP’s side as far as preferring the natural look, although minor studs or a small tattoo somewhere don’t catch my attention in a negative way, if I even notice.

  • It’s partially because of cost, new plastic is cheaper than trying to recover old. But very few plastics can be truly recycled chemically, much being reformed for other purposes. Glass and metals were always a better environmental choice (with their own limitations too), but plastic is so cheap and versatile it’s hard to compete. Not just plastics - just a look around the household imagining the lack of petroleum products, it’s amazing how it’s everywhere. Yet another dead end we’ve gotten ourselves into.

  • There are two dangers in the current race to get to AGI and in developing the inevitable ANI products along the way. One is that advancement and profit are the goals while the concern for AI safety and alignment in case of success has taken a back seat (if it’s even considered anymore). Then there is number two - we don’t even have to succeed in AGI for there to be disastrous consequences. Look at the damage early LLM usage has already done, and it’s still not good enough to fool anyone who looks closely. Imagine a non-reasoning LLM able to manipulate any media well enough to be believable even with other AI testing tools. We’re just getting to that point - the latest AI Explained video discussed Gemini and Sora and one of them (I think Sora) fooled some text generation testers into thinking its stories were 100% human created. In short, we don’t need full general AI to end up with catastrophe, we’ll easily use the “lesser” ones ourselves. Which will really fuel things if AGI comes along and sees what we’ve done.