SkibidiToiletFanAcct [none/use name]

Based and Good at sex.

Jock: “Where do you work out?”

Me: “At the weekly Bulletins and News Discussion Megathread”

  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I think intercoms, speaking tubes, and phone line simulators are cool. I want some situation where I have an excuse to set up a working pair of Western Electric 2500 or 2554 telephones. no dialing, just pick up and talk, and maybe one aftermarket button for ringing every other connected phone. Maybe instead of a button, a dynamo crank for a very retro feel. or perhaps in addition to ringing, you also have small red incandescent indicator bulb that illuminates on every Telephone when receiver is lifted.

  • PRC celebrates Chinese New Years today. my red envelop gift is the bit idea of an ultra who’s convinced that the PRC is bourgeois because it tolerates magicians.

    Chat GPT rendition of the bit:


    Hey comrades,

    I couldn’t help but stumble upon some mind-boggling evidence of bourgeois decadence in China, and it’s not your typical capitalist excess. Brace yourselves, because this revelation is straight out of a magician’s hat – yes, you heard it right, professional magicians in the People’s Republic of China!

    Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But isn’t China supposed to be a beacon of communism?” Well, my fellow anarchists, prepare to have your illusions shattered, just like those rabbits pulled out of hats. It turns out that the Chinese government is not only embracing capitalism but has taken it to a whole new level by employing professional magicians.

    Let’s break this down. In a society that claims to be striving for a classless, stateless utopia, why on earth would they indulge in such bourgeois frivolities as magic shows? Isn’t magic just another distraction, a tool used by the ruling class to keep the proletariat entertained and blind to the harsh realities of their exploitation?

    While we’re busy toiling away, these so-called magicians are probably using their sleight of hand to divert attention from the true issues at hand – the ever-growing wealth gap, the suppression of dissent, and the authoritarian tendencies of the Chinese state. It’s like they’re pulling a disappearing act on our rights and freedoms!

    And don’t get me started on the opulence of these magic performances. Lavish venues, expensive props, and a mesmerized audience – it’s a spectacle of extravagance that screams bourgeois decadence. Meanwhile, the proletariat is left with crumbs, struggling to make ends meet while the ruling elite revels in illusions and sleights of hand.

    I can’t help but wonder: are these magicians being used as pawns in the state’s propaganda game, distracting the masses from the harsh realities of a regime that claims to champion communism but acts like a capitalist wizard behind the scenes?

    Comrades, it’s time to unmask the illusion, expose the trickery, and demand a true proletarian revolution that transcends the smoke and mirrors of bourgeois magic shows. Let’s not be fooled by the spectacle – our focus should be on dismantling the oppressive structures that keep us all under the spell of capitalist exploitation.

    Solidarity forever, and may your chains be broken like the magician’s wand,