super_mario_69 [he/him, comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2021


  • I watched it kind of seems like Tucker doesn’t really understand wtf Putin is talking about most of the time. Wasted potential. It’s really fascinating to see how Putin speaks though. He’s certain a bougie, but he is much more aware of geopolitics and historical context than any contemporary western head of state I’m familiar with. I don’t know for a fact that what he says is necessarily true, but I’m much more inclined to believe what he says because he can at least back it up with some kind of analysis based in, you know, reality. Stark god damn contrast to all the rabid baby brained natoid rules based order absolutist Finnish leaders I have had the misfortune of listening to.

    Alright, I’m gonna watch the Oliver Stone interview next.

  • The new government is universally reviled by most people under 30, low-income workers, and the “blue-collar” unions (especially health care). Among boomers, chuds, the self-proclaimed middle-class, and the Economists Union (certified cringe union that are explicitly not partaking in any strike action, lmao) opinions range from lukewarm to supportive.They see the incoming austerity measures as “necessary” to counteract the previous governments “excessive spending” and something something national debt. The Confederation of Finnish Industries, EK, are ecstatic at the prospect of relaxed worker’s rights and lower wages, of course. They are kind of like a nega-union but for bigass companies and shareholders and porky-happy and can always be counted on to have the worst most ghoulish ambitions. Unfortunately they also have a lot of influence in economical policy. All of their boogiemen (national debt, excessive spending, etc) are complete imaginary garbage made up by the IMF or what the fuck ever, of course, but such is the state of most of Europe I suppose shrug-outta-hecks

    The previous government was generally less ghoulish with regards to labour politics and such, and generally had the opposite support (liked by under 30’s, low-income workers, and blue-collar unions; hated by chuds, boomers, middle class etc). They weren’t good by any of our definitions, but for what it’s worth they managed to begin undoing some of the damage the Sipilä cabinet had inflicted during their term before (getting rid of the “Aktiivimalli” for instance, a similar proposition to what the yellow vests protested against in France). Buuut then their reputation got absolutely fucked because of how they handled the pandemic, and then again by all the ukraine shit and then again with the following cost of living + energy crises. Not all of that was even their fault, but the damage was already done and the shit ass tabloids weren’t gonna miss out on starting a ruckus. Add to that the fact that they were mostly women, combined with how unbelievably fucking racist/sexist/everythingphobic the finnish people tend to be, and here we are now. The pendulum will keep swinging back and forth until either the proletariat takes up arms or the natoid warhawks finally get their wishes fulfilled and we all burn in nuclear hellfire.

  • Jesus christ yes, oh my god. What zero materialist analysis does to a mf. My theory is that their general lack of ideological framework and refusal to look at history through a materialist context, combined with living within or in the sphere of influence of an undeniably declining empire, has led to some kind of terminal doomerism. Like “It doesn’t matter who wins, every ideology is bad, the rothschilds/freemasons/whoever will still control everything, everything is and will always be bad, and the violence will continue forever.” E.g. “It doesn’t matter that Iran is resisting the empire in the middle east, because they are religious extremists, which is Bad, therefore their resistance is Bad, and plays right into the hands of the powers that be.” Might there be some, hmm, historic and/or material reason for Iran’s actions? No, of course not. The people in power there are simply evil and bad. In their world it’s like power exists like mana, and some people are capable of wielding it through some evil esoteric arcane means. There’s always that ominous REAL ENEMY that we should be focusing on, instead of bickering amongst ourselves, “not left or right, but forward” etc etc. I’m convinced these guys would be fash if they had the guts to hold any convictions.