urshanabi [he/they]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • they are controlled opposition in my opinion, if you follow the money (i.e. financed primarily by google to my knowledge) and look at their current diversification in service offerings they appear to be ‘privacy-washed’ or ‘ethics-washed’ (for lack of a better term, the equiv. of greenwashing or pinkwashing for tech corps to appear ethical or progressive) with a push to appear as a feature-complete ‘privacy respecting’ alternative to google.

    in my opinion proton is doing the same thing, esp atm with their push towards non-profit status. openai (which is obviously not open in any sense od the word in the industry they operate in) is also i believe governed by a non-profit entity… or at least the for-profit part of their company is.

    non-profit status with larger organizations i think like any other large organization is not worth taking at face value, but idk someone here prob has a better handle on it than i do…

  • what’s the purpose of using ableist verbiage? the “war on drugs” and folks who consider themselves right or right-leaning use similar rhetoric to expunge people considered ‘lesser’. To note this is a subgroup of individuals of conservative ideology, not all. It is important to make the distinction becauuse while I disagree all-the-same, the kinds of disagreements are different and need not be lumped together.

    it’s great she has 20 years of sobriety, it is inappropriate to use it as a cudgel to to wield against anyone else who she seeks to demean or otherwise treat unseriously. perhaps some were similarly unfair to her during her time of insobriety, it does not therefore mean she needs to reproduce her treatment onto others.

    “hurt people, hurt people” is a descriptive account of what occurs, not a guidebook on appropriate behavior.

  • Oh my, that’s genuinely awful. My mom had (and still has) chronic pain and so does my best friend. I had to give massages at night after they couldn’t bear the pain and they wouldn’t ask me because they didn’t wanna burden me or something like that. Since they were always in pain, they didn’t wanna feel needy!! So they’d wait until it was at its worst!

    Really hope there’s something out there that can help you somewhat immediately. My best friend did physio (still does… consistently for 4ish years now) and the prescribed exercises & stretches really helped her out.

    Medical staff won’t give you what you need when you seem too ‘needy’, it’s awful, it has a long precedent, and it’ll keep happening for the foreseeable future until contemporary medicine changes their modus operandi from zero-sum marginal-numbered positions to allowing anyone dedicated to become a doctor/medical professional.