not a man but definitely a political animal

  • 36 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Angel [any]@hexbear.netOPtomemes@hexbear.netRush Fans When
    1 day ago

    Neil kind of did, though. He was more into the Randian shit early on, but he definitely admitted to getting far more iffy about it.

    Rolling Stone asked Peart, “Do [Ayn Rand’s] words still speak to you?” He responded:

    Oh, no. That was 40 years ago. But it was important to me at the time in a transition of finding myself and having faith that what I believed was worthwhile. I had come up about that moral attitude about music, and then in my late teens I moved to England to seek fame and fortune and all that, and I was kind of stunned by the cynicism and the factory-like atmosphere of the music world over there and it shook me. I’m thinking, “Am I wrong? Am I stupid and naïve? This is the way that everybody does everything and, had I better get with the program?”

  • I’m black, and I’ve generally aligned myself with anarcho-communism ideologically, but I eventually reached a point in which the “anarcho-” part is silent, and I simply just say “communist” if asked. I’m not a fan of this sectarian bullshit, I find people who use the term “tankie” unironically to be cringe, and this fight about authoritarianism has always just been extremely unhelpful I find. So as someone who would say I’m an anarchist, I don’t doubt what you’re saying here at all. I’m so tired of it because, ironically enough, people like the one who made that original Instagram post are seeming concerned the most with aesthetics instead of actual leftist causes. By that, I mean they sound like they’re more concerned about their label of “anarchist” and being seen as a “non-authoritarian” than anything else.